Mommy Collection

My jewelry collections reflect all the different stages of my life: everything started with my love for handwritten letters (Alphabet Collection), followed by my step into self-employment as "GirlBoss" (Femboss Collection). With the "Petite Alphabet Collection" we created a way to combine several family members as initials on a chain, e.g. with me A(ndreas), B(en) and T(oto) on the Triple Necklace. Now is the time to celebrate a new phase of life with another collection. And this time the motto is: Cheers to all moms! Since the 16.04.2018 I am the mom of little Ben and full of love for this mini-man. For the "Mommy Collection" I have written several statements in my unique brush lettering style that will appeal to all mums. Whether as "Boy Mom", "Girl Mom", "Dog Mom" ​​or "Mom Boss" - every mum will find her matching pendant and can wear it either individually or combined with an initial from the (Petite) Alphabet Collection. We moms are heroines and may proudly present this in our everyday life as a jewel around our neck!